Tips to Prevent a Hangover

Tips to Prevent a Hangover

  • You need to increase your water intake a lot since alcohol tends to dehydrate the body hence keep that in mind.
  • The best way to prevent a hangover is to bite on some fatty foods before you sip on your favorite drink. It shall help the body to absorb the alcohol and save you from the trouble of an annoying hangover.
  • Pickle juice is also an effective remedy for a hangover since it contains salt that will help restore your body’s electrolytic balance after heavy boozing.
  • Taking a spoonful olive oil is another neat way to prevent a hangover. The healthy fat in olive oil sticks to the lining of your stomach thereby restricting the absorption of alcohol into the system.
  • The best part will be to nibble on some food item while having the drinks as taking the alcohol in empty stomach will slingshot you towards hangover. Do not booze in empty stomach.
  • Do not try to experiment with different types of drink as it will be a recipe for disaster. To avoid a hangover, you need to stick to one drink.
  • Milk thistle, a medicinal herb with antioxidant properties, can be used as a natural remedy for protecting your liver from any kind of damage after drinking heavily. They are available in tablet form too and can be taken without any worries.


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