Food to Eat
- Iodine is a trace mineral that plays a critical role in the formation of the primary thyroid hormone thyroxine.excess iodine can also cause goiter. Prevent iodine deficiency by choosing to eat the right amounts of iodine rich foods such as seaweeds, iodized salt and seafood.
- Add foods like protein-rich eggs and nuts as protein transports the thyroid hormones to the tissues, foods that are good for you gut like yogurt and natural healthy fats like desi ghee that play an important role in balancing your hormones.
Food to Avoid
- Avoid soy and soy related products such as tofu, soy milk and soy granules as soy tends to impede the cell receptors and disturbs the entire thyroid function.
- Sugar spikes cause the adrenal glands to secrete excess cortisol which suppresses the pituitary function and that can affect the thyroid gland.
- Foods like cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and uncooked bhindi should be avoided.
- Avoid All kinds of processed foods, artificial sweeteners and packaged foods with preservatives and additives