Thrissanku Hills, Idukki Peermedu Idukki

Thrissanku Hills, Idukki

Peermedu, Idukki KERALA

Thrissanku Hills in Peermedu is a lovely landscape. The gentle breeze at this rolling hills make this an ideal spot for long walks. The hills offer a breathtaking view of the sunrise and sunset.

Some of the best hill stations in India are located in this southermost small state of Kerala. The Thrissanku Hills in Peerumedu with its untouched walking trails provide the best sunset and sunrise view points. The cool breeze and the soothing environment dissipate all your stress and worries to make you be the one with nature and keep going. Mausoleum of Sufi saint, Diwan’s Residence and Summer Palace can be seen from here. Well-known for nature trekking and mountain biking, as the roads are very safe even for the beginners, this Thrissanku hills is a perfect leisurely spot for the families. You may capture some wonderful pictures of nature while visiting here for summer. Leave behind all your tiredness in these quiet and lonely ways, you can’t better imagine of a trip to heaven than this.With each step you take in, you will be closer to the nature of this unspoilt and virgin landscapes

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